Data Structure nodes for the BeeGraphy Editor.
Published date
2023.12.27 20:31
From last publish
4 months ago


Measure the length of a list
Returns the ith element
Retrieve the index of a certain item in a list
Remove the subset from the list
Extract a subset from a list
Split a list into separate parts
Reverse the order of a list
Insert items in list
Dispatch the items in a list into two target lists
Take every Nth element in a list
Remove every Nth element in a list
Remove indexed elements from a list
Sort a list of numeric keys
Replace certain items in a list
Creates a sequence of ascending and descending numbers
Remove elements in a list using a repeating bit mask


Creates a sequence of numbers
Creates a Fibonacci sequence
Duplicate list a predefined number of times
Creates a list of random numbers
Repeat a pattern until it reaches a certain length
Creates a sequence of numbers using start, end and count
Remap numbers into a new numbers list
Returns the number list minimum and maximum values
Creates a sequence by growing steps


Change the order of the list
Creates the intersection of two list
Creates the union of two list
Creates the union of two list
Creates the union of two list
Delete consecutive similar members in a list


Construct a data tree branch path.
Deconstruct a data tree path into individual integers
Filters a collection of input streams
Weave a set of input data using a custom pattern
Removed all null and invalid items from a data tree
Reduce tree complexity by merging outermost branches
Flatten a data tree by removing all branching information
Graft a data tree by adding an extra branch for every item
Simplify a data tree by removing shared overlap amongst all branches
Flip a tree like data tree by swapping rows and columns
Remove small branches from a data tree
Unflatten a data tree by moving items back into branches
Get some statistics regarding a data tree
Retrieve a specific branch from a data tree
Retrieve a specific item from a data tree