Why Every Computational Designer Is Buzzing About Beegraphy After Natcon 2024 in Mumbai!

Beegraphy at Natcon 2024, Mumbai, India

Beegraphy at Natcon 2024: A Global Encounter with Creativity and Innovation

Beegraphy had the privilege of standing at the forefront of innovation during the Natcon 2024 by ACCEI on AI and Innovation, an event held in Mumbai, India on the 16th and 17th of August. The event, which brought together designers from across the globe, turned out to be a melting pot of creativity, ideas, and technology. From seasoned professionals to budding talents, the diversity of attendees showcased the rich tapestry of the design world. 

A Meeting of Minds

Interacting with designers of all ages and experience levels was a rewarding experience. The exchange of ideas, perspectives, and visions enriched the event, highlighting the global design community’s unity in its diversity. Beegraphy’s team engaged in meaningful conversations, discussing how design is evolving and the role of tools like Beegraphy in shaping the future.


Speakers of the NatCon 2024 on Stage

Designers and Innovators from around the globe arrive at NatCon 2024, Mumbai, India

One of the most profound moments came when Rajat Sodhi from Orproject remarked, “We need natural intelligence more than artificial intelligence.” This statement resonated deeply with the audience, sparking conversations about the indispensable role of human intuition and creativity in design. It became clear that while technology like Beegraphy is transforming the way we approach design, the essence of creativity remains rooted in our natural abilities.

Arthur Mamou-Mani, another influential voice at the event, shared his unique approach to design, deeply inspired by the Burning Man philosophy. He emphasized the importance of allowing materials to “flow and emerge” into a design rather than imposing a rigid structure. His philosophy of letting design evolve organically rather than forcing it echoed the very principles Beegraphy aims to support—empowering designers to explore possibilities without constraints.


Lernik MIrzakhanyan (CPO, Beegraphy) in NatCon 2024, Mumbai, India

Lernik Mirzakhanyan (CPO, Beegraphy) in NatCon 2024, Mumbai, India


Lernik Mirzakhanyan’s  Presentation: A Vision for the Future

A significant highlight of the event was the presentation by Lernik Mirzakhanyan, the Chief Product Officer (CPO) of Beegraphy. Addressing an audience of over 450 designers, civil engineers, and other professionals from the architecture industry, Lernik showcased the power and potential of Beegraphy in revolutionizing the way design is approached. His presentation emphasized how Beegraphy is not just a tool but a platform that empowers designers to explore new possibilities and push the boundaries of their creativity.


The Beegraphy Demo: A Hands-On Experience

Following the presentation, Beegraphy offered a live demonstration, which quickly became a centerpiece of the event. Designers and attendees gathered, eager to see the software in action. The demo was not just a presentation; it was an interactive session where participants could use Beegraphy directly on their phones and other devices they had brought along.

Here’s a video showing audience trying Beegraphy on their Phones and iPads

The immediate feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Attendees were not only impressed by the software’s capabilities but also excited by its user-friendly interface. Many were surprised at how seamlessly Beegraphy integrated with their workflow, regardless of the device they were using. The hands-on experience allowed designers to explore the software’s features in real-time, leading to an engaging and dynamic session.


A Great Response

Students from various architecture colleges share their experience of using Beegraphy

Students from various architecture colleges share their experience of using Beegraphy

The response from the attendees was nothing short of fantastic. Designers were captivated by Beegraphy’s potential to revolutionize the way they work. The ease with which they could create, modify, and collaborate on designs using Beegraphy was a significant talking point throughout the event. Many participants expressed interest in incorporating Beegraphy into their daily workflows, recognizing its potential to enhance their creative processes.


The Natcon 2024 event in Mumbai was more than just an exhibition for Beegraphy; it was an opportunity to connect with the global design community, to listen, learn, and share. The positive reception of Beegraphy’s demo reinforced the belief that the future of design lies in intuitive, powerful tools that empower creativity. Beegraphy’s participation in the event was a significant milestone, and the interactions with designers from around the world have set the stage for exciting developments ahead. As Beegraphy continues to evolve, it remains committed to supporting the design community with innovative solutions that inspire and elevate creativity.