There are three options for selecting multiple nodes in the workspace:
- By pressing the left mouse button in the empty area, from left to right, the nodes that are completely included in the specified template (2) are indicated.
- By pressing the left mouse button in the empty area, from right to left, the nodes that are partially or completely included in the specified template are indicated.
- To select different nodes, hold down the ’Shift’ button and click on the necessary nodes with the left mouse button.
To remove specific nodes from the selection, hold down the Ctrl button and left-click on the nodes to be deselected.
Alternatively, while holding the left mouse button, drag the cursor over the nodes to be deselected, using either the right-to-left or left-to-right selection method.

In the upper right corner of the selected nodes template (2), there are the necessary buttons for arrangement (1). Using them, we can arrange the selected nodes in several ways:
- Align from the left
- Align from the right
- Align from above
- Align from below
- Align horizontally in the center
- Align orthogonally in the center
- Distribute horizontally evenly
- Distribute vertically evenly
The other four buttons function as follows:
- Create a group from the specified nodes
- Remove the created group
- Create a component with the specified nodes
- Delete selected nodes